Web profile of Chuck Gaffney
Welcome to my official profile page. This site is an overview of my numerous projects and sites. I am the owner of the long running anime site, store and blog, Chuck's Anime Shrine, but I'm also a professional voice actor, programmer, game designer and former model. My other sites/projects include the video game Tenshi-Oni, the web site, Anime.fm, being the brand voice for Jack & Jone's Preimum clothing line to being a guest contributor on BusinessWeek. Below are summeries and links related to these projects.
I've been involved with a number of industries and modern skillsets... from web design, computer programming, Flash animation, business writing, game design and even voice acting.
Videos including me:
Other sites by me:
About Me

I'm the oldest of 8 kids and have been a video gamer since the age of 1 & 1/2 in 1985. For my whole life I've been fascinated with technology, science and video gaming. For years, even while playing sports I was planning on being a scientist of some sort; first a meteorologist and late in high school that changed to Computer Science. Of course, the reasoning for my yearning for computer science was to make video games. Something very common today but back then was balked at by "professionals" in the Computer Science acedemia. Coupled with my love for Japanese anime, I took it upon myself in my senior year to create Chuck's Anime Shrine and that decision lead me to all future choices in career. Voice acting came from the love for video games and anime and with knowledge in both design and coding, I bring to the table a perspective of both the artistic and scientific aspects of all these fields. My yearning to be my own boss as well as been given an example of a self-made person from my father...lead me to being versed in business development as well.
As narcissistic as this page might seem, I'm actualy rather humble. A bit brash when I need to be but that comes from my independance as a thinker and business owner. I have and will aid companies along the way but my ultimate goal will always be to sail my own ship. If you are a potiential employer seeing this profile, see it as the chance to hire a leader instead of a follower. Again, this very profile might seem rather narcissistic but with my background as varied as it is, I hope this profile could give a better idea about me that a few lines on a .doc resume could never do.
The best way to contact me would be my email at ctgaffney@gmail.com. Looking for a voice acting quote? Use this guide from voices.com to get an idea of my rate would be...but all jobs are different and negotiable. Need a quote for a web site design or work on a video game? Email me for a quote and availablilty as all jobs are unique and could vary greatly.