, anime music, episodes, news, image by Renga

Amway and the Naysayers Who Grind My Gears

('DiggThis’) My Zimbio

Congrats to Cathy Cross for becoming an IBO ^_^

Ok, most people know me as the anime loving otaku who was part of the Anime Music Video movement a few years back that lead to all those crazy AMVs you see on youtube. As of last year some people will also note that I turned my high school anime fandom into a anime figure business that will have me completely out of the job world by next month or before my 25th birthday in November. I will also make sure everyone knows that I'm a proud Amway/Quixtar IBO. Most of my 2-3 year time off on my anime site is thanks to my involvement in Amway. It can also be thanks to the stupid job I had at Friendly's Ice Cream here in Selden, NY... that also made me realize that I was feeding the mentally challenged. Now I simply work for one at my college-degree job of at a certain camera store as the website bitch..I mean co-webmaster. A Flash series is oh so needed to depict the utter stupidity of the common folk in this area and my current boss at BB.

After working with people in my job and in Amway I've come to the conclusion that many many people are simply tools to society. We are forced to believe that a college education is the key to the finacial and overall success in life. Check out my previous posts, the most successful people in the world, the successful youtube generation entrepreneurs like myself and plain old common sense and you'll see that's a bunch of smoke and mirrors. The reality is that many people end up working for the rest of their life for a few jobs they don't want to be in. They will rush to work and cause car accidents and needless traffic congestion because their boss will practically ass-rape them if they arrive at 9:01.

Today's society and economy can be depicted like lemmings falling off the cliff because the other ones did ahead of them did, too. The lemmings being society and the ones ahead of them being their parents before them. Otaku and the youtube generation has seen enough of our parents fall victim to common stupidity as you can easily see across the net. People who have put down Amway, Mary-Kay, anime, the internet and the like are going to be extinct in the next 20 years as the youth of America and the world today realizes they've been duped to be nothing but my oh so favorite coined-by-me word, cubical-slaves.
Oh, and don't be surprised if you find me at Comic-Con, the Tokyo Game show, on the G4 network and other famous otaku places in the world drinking my XS Energy drinks and eating an Amway meal bar. Being an entrepreneur in my companies proves I'm no fool and nobody's tool and I would probably be right if most of my otaku friends also agree with that, too.

-Image thanks to business week's take on Amway. Look through the comments for "Chuck G." That's me

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posted by princetrunks @ 7:58 AM


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Chucks Anime Shrine, japan, anime, otaku, figures



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